New influenza virus H1N1 А/ swine/Kostanay/06/12 strain used for preparing diagnostic agents

МРНТИ 34.25.37                                                                                №2 (2019г.) Glebova T.I., Klivleyeva N.G., Ongarbaeva N.S., Baiseiit S.B., Saktaganov N.T., Lukmanova G.V., Shamenova M.G., Kalkozhayeva M.K., Baimukhametova А.М.   Abstract. The results of studying biological and molecular genetic properties of a new influenza virus H1N1 А/ swine /Костанай/06/12 strain differing from the reference variants of this subtype are presented. Studies on…

The sol-gel fixation method in obtaining of hydrophobical coatings

МРНТИ 61.39.81, 64.29.23                                                                              №2 (2019г.) Tashmukhamedov F.R., Shardarbek M.Sh.     Abstract. In this paper, a method of obtaining hydrophobic colored coatings on cotton fabric using colloidal Sol-gel fixation technique is described. The aim of this work is studying of properties of cotton fabric with hydrophobic colored silica coating and researching of dependency of…

Reserve sources of coal production in industrial heat and power

МРНТИ 52.35.01                                                                            №2 (2019г.) Maidukov G.L.     Abstract. The article presents the results of a study of the structure and resource potential of technological coal production flows, establishes the size of operational losses of coal in waste from conducting, repairing and maintaining mining workings, the composition of the mineral component in dumps, and gives recommendations…

Device for control and measurement of salt-paraffin deposits in oil pipelines

МРНТИ 52.47.01                                                                                           №2 (2019г.)   Nurlybayev R.О., Pomashev O.P.     Abstract. The article identifies some problems of the pipeline transport together with a brief general overview of the conditions and prospects of development of Kazakhstan oil and gas sector applying to the research topic. The technical device for control and measurement of salt-paraffine depoists parameters…

Distribution of color metals, iron and myshiak between products during reconstructive shlake legal

МРНТИ 53.03.03                                                                                   №2 (2019г.) Zholdasbay E.E., Dosmukhamedov N.K.   Abstract. Large volumes of accumulated and growth in the yield of volumes of current slag waste require the search for new approaches and solutions for their use as an additional source of raw materials for the extraction of valuable metals. Of particular interest are slags of…

Algorithm for numerical integration of equations of hydrodynamics with the purpose of forecasting technological parameters of reflected metal melts

МРНТИ 53.01.77                                                                                      №2 (2019г.) Kazhikenova S.Sh, Mergembayeva A.Zh.    Abstract. This work presents a mathematical model of the flow of high-temperature melts, taking into account the nature of the short-range order in them, and taking into account the second viscosity coefficient by methods of statistical physics. The purpose of the study: the implementation of methods…

A study of the process of the final distillation of cottonseed oil on the computer model

МРНТИ 65.01.77, 65.65                                                                         №2 (2019г.)   Khabibov F. Yu., Narziev M. S., Artikov A.      Abstract. The development of computer technology, technology and its software provides opportunities for their wide use in analytical studies of chemical processes.  The final distillation of cottonseed oil refers to the processes of distillation by means of sharp…

The amino acid composition of badger meat

МРНТИ 65.59.03                                                                                       №2 (2019г.)   Matenova N.M., Zhumageldiyev А.А.   Abstract. The article presents the amino acid composition of badger. Despite the fact that the veterinary regulations, the badger is not in the number of animals for slaughter, they are used as food by hunters. After the defeat of the badger, decreases the degree of…

Efficacy of sorbents from vegetable raw materials

МРНТИ 65.09.03                                                                                №2 (2019г.)   Nuraly A. M., Aknazarov S. Kh., Bisenbaev M. A., Golovchenko O. Yu., Nuraliev M. A., Panov S. A., Malikova M.   Abstract. When using a layered hemosorbent, the total active area of ​​the carbon monolith of organic origin is used, the injury of the blood cells decreases, the ash content…

Analysis of the current state of availability of effective methods for determining dry milk in milk and milk products

МРНТИ 65.63.29                                                                                      №2 (2019г.)   Velyamov SH.M., Kurasova L.A., Velyamov M.T, Umiraliyeva L.B.,  Kadyrov A.A., Bek R, Nurgaliyeva M., Zhanserkenova O., Zhumaliyeva T., Muratbekova K.M., Tastaganova U.S.   Abstract. The world’s existing methodologies for the qualitative and quantitative determination of milk powder in dairy products (based on ELISA test) were studied and the most effective…