Ecological problems of technogenic land pollution in the republic of Кazakhstan

МРНТИ 61.01.94, 68,01,94 №2-2024 PDF Yessimsiitova Z.B., Konysbayeva A.A., Тoktar М.., Akimbayeva A.B., Nuraly A.M. Abstract. A large territory in Kazakhstan is distinguished by the diversity of soils and the complex structure of the soil cover. Soil contamination with heavy metals, especially in the vicinity of large cities and industrial centers, is one of the environmental problems. Of…

Main directions for rational use of water resources in the Republic of Kazakhstan

№1-2024 PDF Kazakbayeva T.M. Abstract. The article identifies the main directions of the rational use of water resources in the Republic of Kazakhstan, specifically, the South Kazakhstan region. Rational water use is the process of efficient use of water resources, which guarantees the preservation and protection of water bodies from negative and excessive anthropogenic impact…

Technological and technical solutions to the problem of basic soil nutrition in the system of precision agriculture in Northern Kazakhstan

МРНТИ 68.85.29, 55.57.33 Nukeshev S., Yeshodin D., Romanyuk M., Akhmetov E., Tleumbetov K., Kosatbekova D., Saktaganov B. Abstract. Climatic-soil conditions of Kazakhstan allows to produce demanded grain at the international level. However, as a result of low technologies for land cultivation and application of mineral fertilizers, soil fertility decreasesin the production of grain. There is only…

Influence of biochar on the productivity of spring wheat

№3-2023 Toktar M., Akhmetov M.B., Mukanova F.K. Abstract: The drought of the spring climate over the past 2 years has a significant impact on the decline in crop yields in the North Kazakhstan region. If the land is not used properly for many years in agriculture, the structural, water and physical properties of the…

Agrotechnology based on the bioorganic preparation HUMIN PLUS.

№3-2023 Abutova R., Kozhakmetov M. Abstract: The article is dedicated to the development and implementation of innovative agricultural technology in agriculture field. We give definitions of humic preparations of lake sapropel, we give brief theoretical aspects of the action mechanism of humic preparations on plants. We describe methods for obtaining humic-containing products at a…

Investigation of the chemical and biological composition of the medicinal plant juzgun leucocladum-for further production of an antibacterial veterinary drug

№3-2023 Azat S., Amzeyeva U.M., Bexeitova K.S., Yeszhanova G.T., Busquets R. Annotation. Juzgun (лат. Calligonum) is a genus of perennial deciduous branching shrubs from the Buckwheat family (лат. Polygonaceae). According to some data, up to 158 plants are included in the genus, but since the genus is poorly studied, the definition of the species included…

Features of microorganisms of zoned varieties from sugar beet seed

МРНТИ 68.37.31 Velyamov M.T, Potoroko I.YU., Kurasova L.A., Velyamov SH.M., Bek R, Sadykova N. A. Abstract. Quantitative accounting of microorganisms was carried out by seeding on nutrient media selected in accordance with their type. Thus, we have explored some features of development of pathogenic complex of microscopic fungi in soils of beet-growing farms in Almaty…

Use of data on zoobenthos reserves of fishless reservoirs to assess potential production of bentophage fish similar small reservoirs of north-west Kazakhstan

PDF Pilin D.V., Tumenov A.N., Tuleuov A.M., Oskina A.A., Bulekov N.U., Dnekeshev A.K. Abstract: The potential fish productivity of four fishless reservoirs of Western Kazakhstan is estimated for  subsequent use in fish farming calculations on similar fishery reservoirs of the region. Potential fish production was determined by the biomass of feed zoobenthos. In parallel…

Technology of seeding in soil, an improved closing work of a grain seeder

МРНТИ 68.85.29, 55.57.33 PDF Pavlov I.M., Kubasheva Zh.K., Sarsenov A.E. Abstract. The authors note a significant flaw of two-disc coulters, creating ordinary sowing, and offer a new technology of sowing. Technological schemes of ordinary sowing and grain seeder Sz-3,6 with improved two-disc coulters and the principle of operation are discussed further in the article. The new…

Plow header unit for smooth plowing

МРНТИ  68.85.29                                                                                        №2 (2021 г.) Nuralin B.N., Oleinikov S.V., Makhmudova Sh. Zh.,…