About us

In an interdisciplinary journal Science News of Kazakhstan (ISSN: 1560-5655) publishes scientific articles 
of a fundamental and applied nature, reviews by domestic  and foreign authors that have a methodological 
and methodological orientation. Published since 1989 and published 4 times a year. The founder and publisher 
is JSC "National Center for State Scientific and Technical Evaluation" (NCSSTE, 
formed from JSC "NCSTI" in 2016), Almaty, Republic of  Kazakhstan

Characteristics of the journal

на сайт ОБЛОЖКА 2Language of publication: Russian, Kazakh, English (author is responsible for the correctness of the translation). The journal is included in the list of scientific publications recommended by the Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science of Kazakhstan – CCSES (VAK) since 2003 in various fields of science. Аrticles are reviewed. Field of publications: informatics, construction, engineering, agriculture and forestry, ecology, economics, Earth sciences, chemistry, biology, food and processing industry, water and fisheries, cybernetics, etc.

Impact factor: 0.103 .


Audience The journal is intended for the teaching staff of universities, undergraduates, PhD doctors, researchers, ministries and departments, specialists of enterprises and organizations.

Ethical compliance 

The editorial board abides by editorial ethics and does not disclose the process of working on the article in the publishing house without the consent of the author (does not discuss merit or lack of work with the person, remarks and corrections in them, does not introduce internal reviews).

Publishing in scientific electronic libraries :

eLibrary.ru (RISC, Russia)
– Crossref (official agency for registration of Digital Object Identifiers (DOI)

Kazakhstan citation database (Kazakhstan
– InspecDirect (Great Britain) On the platform of Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics, USA);



CATEGORY “Opinion of SCIENCE”: Kazakhstan is a country of disappearing waters:

In Kazakhstan, where the population is more than 18 million people. About 21 thousand scientists work in science in 386 scientific organizations. Each year, the state finances more than 50,000 grants on various scientific topics. But only about 500 of them are devoted to the topic of rational water use and environmental protection. Meanwhile, the country is facing the threat of global extinction of most water resources! Each region has its own, but large-scale problems. Here are just a few of them:

Kazakhstan will not have lake Balkhash

Lake Balkhash will repeat the fate of the Aral sea?

Strong shallowing of the Syr Darya river

The full-flowing Ural river is dying

Irtysh river-the life of a legend goes away

The Tobol river disappears

The Aral sea is no more!

Environmental problems of the Caspian sea






Subscription to the journal (index 75776):

Liaison offices: KazPost, Eurasia-Press, Eurika Press,
(Republic of Kazakhstan)


Authors are responsible for the contents of published materials.
Advertisers are responsible for advertising materials.
If citing, references for the journal or site are required.


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Number and date of initial registration №1332-Ж as of 07.06.1994.