Influence of biochar on the productivity of spring wheat


Toktar M., Akhmetov M.B., Mukanova F.K.

Abstract: The drought of the spring climate over the past 2 years has a significant impact on the decline in crop yields in the North Kazakhstan region. If the land is not used properly for many years in agriculture, the structural, water and physical properties of the soil will deteriorate. Changes in the qualitative and quantitative composition of land resources, and in some cases causes the deteriorationand destruction of the soil cover. As a result, resistance to dry climates and moisture retention are reduced, as well as loss of organic matter, as erosion washes away the topsoil and humus, resulted from improper management of agricultural soil conservation systems with widespread use of agricultural land in the region. One of the main reasons for the
drainage of the soil cover is the long-term use of monocultures in the agricultural system and the violation of the crop rotation system, the lack of the introduction of organic and biofertilizers.
Key words: Biochar, spring wheat, productivity, soil fertility.

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