Technological and technical solutions to the problem of basic soil nutrition in the system of precision agriculture in Northern Kazakhstan

МРНТИ 68.85.29, 55.57.33

Nukeshev S., Yeshodin D., Romanyuk M., Akhmetov E., Tleumbetov K., Kosatbekova D., Saktaganov B.

Abstract. Climatic-soil conditions of Kazakhstan allows to produce demanded grain at the international level. However, as a result of low technologies for land cultivation and application of mineral fertilizers, soil fertility decreasesin the production of grain. There is only one way that raises the low fertility of the soil is transfer of missing elements, that is, the application of mineral fertilizers. In the application of minimum and zero technologies of grain production, it is not provided for the introduction of the main amount of mineral fertilizers under the ground and such machines are not producedin the market of agricultural machinery of the CIS countries. At the request of farmers, the production of their subseries has begun.
Key words: precision agriculture, mineral fertilizers, variable rate application, cultivator, cultivator-fertilizer, chisel-fertilizer, grain-grass seeder.

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