Technology of seeding in soil, an improved closing work of a grain seeder

МРНТИ 68.85.29, 55.57.33


Pavlov I.M., Kubasheva Zh.K., Sarsenov A.E.

Abstract. The authors note a significant flaw of two-disc coulters, creating ordinary sowing, and offer a new technology of sowing. Technological schemes of ordinary sowing and grain seeder Sz-3,6 with improved two-disc coulters and the principle of operation are discussed further in the article. The new technology of ordinary sowing ensures good contact of seeds with the bottom of the groove and uniformity of seed placement in depth, which contributes to the friendly emergence of seedlings, further development of plants and, as a result, an increase in yield. The aim of the work is to increase the yield of grain crops through the use of a new technological process of sowing. To eliminate the identified drawback of the
used two-disc coulters, it is proposed to improve its design with an additional clamping plate, which, moving inside the groove formed by the Coulter, presses and pushes the seeds to the bottom and aligns their placement according to the depth of incorporation.
Keywords: seeder, double disc opener, pressure plate, furrow, seed, yield.

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