Investigation of the chemical and biological composition of the medicinal plant juzgun leucocladum-for further production of an antibacterial veterinary drug


Azat S., Amzeyeva U.M., Bexeitova K.S., Yeszhanova G.T., Busquets R.

Annotation. Juzgun (лат. Calligonum) is a genus of perennial deciduous branching shrubs from the Buckwheat family (лат. Polygonaceae). According to some data, up to 158 plants are included in the genus, but since the genus is poorly studied, the definition of the species included in it is considered inaccurate. Moreover, some scientists claim that it is impossible because of multiple morphological differences that do not have geographical certainty. Tannins, citric and phenolic carboxylic acids, alkaloids, leucoanthocyanidins, flavonoids were found in the chemical composition of plants from the genus Juzgun. Plants from the genus Juzgun can potentially serve as a source of medicinal raw materials. Scientists have found phenolcarbonic acids in them, which have a choleretic effect, acting as a hypotensive agent. Antitumor effect is endowed not only with the leucoanthocyanidins present in the representatives of the genus, but also a number of flavonoids.We have investigated the chemical composition and identification of biologically active compounds in the vegetable raw materials of the Juzgun leucocladum. Physico-chemical studies have been carried out. The elemental composition of raw materials has been determined.The morphology of the raw materials was investigated, and the amino acid composition of the raw materials was also determined. The first samples of a veterinary drug based on Juzgun plant raw materials and phytosorbents for veterinary purposes were obtained and sent for clinical research.
Key words: juzgun, phytosorbent, veterinary drug, plant raw materials, elemental analysis, chemicals.

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