Identification of posters of closed soil in Turkestan region on tomatoes

МРНТИ 68.37.13, 87.27.05                                                           №2 (2020г.)   Iztleuov G.M., Dayrabaeva A.Zh., Zhaksybek K.K., Zhorabaeva N.K., Abduova A.A.   As a result of the surveys, it was The surveys revealed that the main pests were the South American tomato moth (UMT), which has the status of a quarantine object, which has received widespread distribution, a the mincing…

Determination of pesticidal pollution of plants in conditions of closed soil

МРНТИ 68.37.13, 87.27.05                                                           №2 (2020г.)   Iztleuov G.M., Dayrabaeva A.Zh., Zhaksybek K.K., Zhorabayeva N.K., Ashitova N.   The analysis has showed that in the initial period after treatment, the pesticide entering the plant tissue is very intense and the decomposition rate are slow Gradually the plants mobilize their vital resources and in the next 10…

Phytoactivity of spring wheat seeds germination when treating them with “Agrobionov” fertilizier

МРНТИ 68.37.13, 87.53.13                                                                      №2 (2020г.)   Khusainov A.Т.,Esenzholov B.H.,Sarsenova А.А., Kyzdarbekova G.Т.   The article presents the results of the study on phytoactivity of spring wheat seeds germination when treating them with “Agrobionov” fertilizer. The aim of the study is to investigate the effect of different concentrations of water suspension with the studied fertilizer on…

Agroecological assessment of doses carbon-containing preparation “agrobionov” on the water-physical properties of ordinary chernozem

МРНТИ 68.37.13, 87.21.02                                                                          №2 (2020г.)   Khusainov A.Т.,Esenzholov B.H.,Zharkinbekov Т.N.,Dankina G.R.   The article presents the results of a study of the water-physical properties of ordinary chernozem when applying a preparation “Agrobionov”. The purpose of the research is to study the effect of doses of the preparation “Agrobionov” on the humidity, soil structure, water content…

Formation of the budget of the national fund at the expense of the oil revenues of the Republic of Kazakhstan

МРНТИ 06.52.35                                                                               №2 (2019г.) Ashikbayeva A.M., Kunanbayeva D.A., Kuandyk Zh.B. Abstract. One of the objectives of the study is to determine the role of the oil sector of the state economy in its socio-economic development. Socio-economic programs are financed from the national and local budgets, including the national Fund. Funds Of the national Fund of…

Development factors of digital economy in the Republic of Kazakhstan

МРНТИ 06.54.51                                                                                    №2 (2019г.) Alybekova G.Zh., Bapiyeva M.K.      Abstract. The object of the research is foreign experience in the field of creating a modern digital economy, the factors of development of the digital economy in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Different countries use different initiatives to develop digitalization and digital transformation of national economies…

Socio – economic development of the Altai Republic in the period 1991 to 2017 Historic experience and problems

МРНТИ 06.52.45                                                                           №2 (2019г.) Safianov D. R.   Abstract. The history developing in the field of state structure and economic development of the regions of the Russian Federation, on the example of the Altai Republic, is of interest to economists, sociologists and historians of the Republic of Kazakhstan interested in the history and development of…

Improving the efficiency of the learning process based on Web-based applications for virtual resources based on computer simulation models

МРНТИ 28.01.45                                                                                №2 (2019г.)   Lutfillayev M.H., Lutfillayev U.M.     Abstract. In this article research question of organization educational system on the basis of imitation model computer.The use of computer models in comparison with the actual object is in a lot more expensive. Computer models as a peer-to-peer processors carry out the virtualization of the…

Modern condition of modified algorithms of the artificial immune systems based on clonal selection

МРНТИ 28.23.25                                                                                           №2 (2019г.) Samigulina G.A., Aldibekova   A.N.      Abstract. The article provides an analytical review of the problem of using the bioinspired approach of artificial immune systems in various fields of science and technology, as well as the developed applications in recent years (2014-2018). The relevance of the application of artificial intelligence approaches…

Characteristics of the disease osteochondrosis of the spine and the value of the applied therapeutic exercise

МРНТИ 34.03.37                                                                              №2 (2019г.) Yeszhan B.G., Katchibayeva A.S., Kisebayev Zh.S., Temirkhan D.   Abstract. The human body is an integral system. Violation of any organ of the system in the body can lead to a violation of their anatomical structure and reduce normal physiological functions, up to irreversible pathological processes. Osteochondrosis of the spine is…