Agroecological assessment of doses carbon-containing preparation “agrobionov” on the water-physical properties of ordinary chernozem

МРНТИ 68.37.13, 87.21.02                                                                          №2 (2020г.)


Khusainov A.Т.,Esenzholov B.H.,Zharkinbekov Т.N.,Dankina G.R.


The article presents the results of a study of the water-physical properties of ordinary chernozem when applying a preparation “Agrobionov”. The purpose of the research is to study the effect of doses of the preparation “Agrobionov” on the humidity, soil structure, water content of soil aggregates of ordinary chernozem for spring wheat. The experiments were conducted in the steppe zone of Northern Kazakhstan. It was found that the studied preparation increases the supply of productive moisture, improves the soil structure and water resistance of soil aggregates and yield of spring wheat.
Keywords: ordinary chernozem, humidity, soil structure, water resistance of soil aggregates, spring wheat, yield.





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