Modern methods for processing and analysis of remote equation of earth (on the example of Akkulin district of Pavlodar region)

Berdenov Zh.G., Mendybaev E.H., Dzhanaleeva G.M., Beketova   A.T.

This paper presents the basic methods for processing and analyzing mid-range satellite images, based on the study of various interpretation methodologies. The paper presents an analysis of satellite images of the Landsat-7.8 device for 2016-2017, followed by processing in the ArcGIS 10.1 software, and obtaining modern maps of the environmental components of the Akkkulinsky district of Pavlodar region. According to the results of the study, it was concluded that, based on satellite images of various spectral ranges, it is possible to determine the current state of environmental components.
Keywords: space image, remote sensing data, interpretation, software.

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