Development factors of digital economy in the Republic of Kazakhstan

МРНТИ 06.54.51                                                                                    №2 (2019г.)

Alybekova G.Zh., Bapiyeva M.K.   


Abstract. The object of the research is foreign experience in the field of creating a modern digital economy, the factors of development of the digital economy in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Different countries use different initiatives to develop digitalization and digital transformation of national economies and regions in general.  Analysis of state and interstate program documents, scientific literature and the most important indices of information and communication technology development and digitalization allows generalizing the main factors of the digital economy development: high innovative activity in the economy as a fundamental factor causing the potential for generating new ICT solutions; infrastructure providing access and use of ICT by the population of the country (citizens, companies, government services and departments); human potential ensuring production, on the one hand, and consumption (use) of new information and communication technologies, on the other hand.
Keywords: digitalization, digital economy, digital transformation, digital technologies, information technologies.

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