The influence of soil microorganisms on yield of sugar beet

МРНТИ 65.09.03                                                                                      №2 (2019г.)   Velyamov M.T,  Potoroko I.YU., Kurasova L.A., Velyamov SH.M., Umiraliyeva L.B., Bek R, Zhumaliyeva T.M.   Abstract. The aim of the work is to study the microbial composition of soils in different regions of sugar beet cultivation. On the basis of the obtained data, a protective – stimulating composition aimed at…

Risk assessment of safety risk probability in the production of collagen hydrolyzate

МРНТИ 68.01.81, 68.41.05                                                                                №2 (2019г.)   Kazhymurat A.T., Uazhanovа R.U., Akhmetsadykov N.N., Tyutenov K., Abdel Z.ZH., Сepeda A.С., Tungyshbayeva U.O.   Abstract The annotations of the article are considered inaccurate, and they can be molded during the production of collagen hydrolysate. Celium research involves analyzing the risk of collagen hydrolysis. Biological, chemical and physiological factors…

Amino acid composition of products of slaughter of healthy and sick animals echinococcosis in a comparative perspective

МРНТИ 68.01.81, 68.41.05                                                                          №2 (2019г.)     Kengetai J., Allabergenova A., Aytzhanova T., Romashev K. M., Rojayev B.G. Dosanov K.Sh.   Abstract. The data obtained in the course of the experiments show that the total amount of essential amino acids in animal organs, invasive echinococcus decreased: in meat on 32.50%, in the heart – 12.65%,…

The is devoted to seed crops processing by gradient-magnetic field

МРНТИ 68.37.13                                                                                       ННК 2 (2019г.)   Kozhakhmetov M.К., Ostrovskiy M.V.   Abstract. Article is devoted to seed crops processing efficiency by gradient-magnetic field. The work purpose – to study efficiency of preseeding processing of crops seeds by gradient magnetic field by means of the GRAVITON installation. As result – the simple algorithm of processing of…

Improvement of operational management of production with the use of modern information technologies

Bermukhamedova G.B., Esturliyeva A.I., Bodaukhan G.   Abstract. Theoretical and methodological recommendations for improving operational management of production using modern information technologies.The theoretical aspects of new information technologies used in operational management of enterprises are analyzed, as well as the analysis of the operational management system of the production enterprise and the analysis of the…

Analysis of the modern software for bayesian networks

Shayakhmetova A.S., Satymbekov M.   Abstract. This article provides an analytical review of the most common modern software for Bayesian networks. The history of development of Bayesian networks was considered. The relevance of the application of Bayesian networks in various areas of research has been featured. The most common software for Bayesian networks were considered….

Аcute toxic hepatopathy in the experiment and its correction by hepatoprotectors

Duanbekova G.B.   Abstract. One of frequent complications of acute exogenous poisonings is the toxic hepatopathy. Entering of toxic substances into an organism and their subsequent metabolization result in increased formation of free radicals. The identification of the HOL role when acute poisoning leads to the search of new effective drugs with antioxidatic properties. The…

Investigation of the destruction of the heating surface coated by porous structure in elements оf thermal power units

скачать   Genbach А.А., Bondartsev D.Yu., Iliev   I.K.   Abstract. A model of vapor bubble dynamics was established, which are appeared at the solid surface in porous structures and steam generating wall. The model is based on movie and still photography by high-speed camera SKS-1М. The analytical model was established on theory of thermo elasticity…

Drilling solutions used for drilling in weakly-cemented and arghelite deposits with addition of polymer of russian production “Reolon sp-36”

Zhanabayev T.А., Igembayev I.B., Tulepbergenov А.Т. Abstract. The article is devoted to improving the quality of well construction by ensuring the stability and integrity of the wellbore by treating the washing liquids with chemical reagents and new generation polymers. The reasons leading to the disturbance of the stability of the walls of the wells in…

Monitoring of quality of technological schemes at metallurgical enterprises for the production of nickel

скачать   Кazhikenova S.Sh., Bekmagambetova E.K.   Abstract. The novelty of the thesis consists in that for the forts time to the analysis of the technology of chemical-and-metallurgical processes and schemes there will be applied objective and fundamental information criteria expressed in universal units, i.e. bits. The prospect of the study covers any metallurgical and…