Risk assessment of safety risk probability in the production of collagen hydrolyzate

МРНТИ 68.01.81, 68.41.05                                                                                №2 (2019г.)


Kazhymurat A.T., Uazhanovа R.U., Akhmetsadykov N.N., Tyutenov K., Abdel Z.ZH., Сepeda A.С., Tungyshbayeva U.O.


Abstract The annotations of the article are considered inaccurate, and they can be molded during the production of collagen hydrolysate. Celium research involves analyzing the risk of collagen hydrolysis. Biological, chemical and physiological factors in the production of collagen are determined by the normative document TK RK 021/2011. Chemical hazards include chloramphenicol, the tetracycline group, baytitrazine, hormones, lead, arsenic, cadmium, mercury, and the biological yeast S. Aureus Basillus cereus B. subtilis B. Physical hazards are external materials (glass, paper, sand, plastic, and d.) . A scientific explanation was given of the danger of each stage. It is believed that the possibility of safety risks in the production of collagen hydrolysis can be considered by preventing the production of collagen hydrolysis taking into account the above-mentioned hazards and hazardous substances.  The result can be applied in the of meat and collagen production.
Key words: risk, connective tissue proteins, collagen hydrolyzate, dangerous factor.


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