Amino acid composition of products of slaughter of healthy and sick animals echinococcosis in a comparative perspective

МРНТИ 68.01.81, 68.41.05                                                                          №2 (2019г.)



Kengetai J., Allabergenova A., Aytzhanova T., Romashev K. M., Rojayev B.G. Dosanov K.Sh.


Abstract. The data obtained in the course of the experiments show that the total amount of essential amino acids in animal organs, invasive echinococcus decreased: in meat on 32.50%, in the heart – 12.65%, in liver on –31.92%, in lungs on – 19.86% and in spleen on – 3.72%, in kidney on -9.03%. In relation to the content of replaceable amino acids, we are determined that their total number in a meet and organs infested with echinococcus to increases compared to clinically healthy animals meat – for  12.7 times, heart – 2,3 and for liver – 2,2 times, in the lungs, the amount of free amino acids to increases slightly – for 0.1 time, or in the kidneys the total number of replaceable amino acids increased by 1.7 times,  in the spleen for – 2 times. Similar changes in the content of essential and essential amino acids in various organs and tissues of productive animals during parasitic invasion can directly indicate the pathological processes occurring in the body , and the fact that invasion has a negative effect not only on the localization organ, but also on the entire organ system and organism generally.
Keywords: Invasion, echinococcus, animals, essential and of essential amino acids, heart, liver, lungs, slightly, kidney

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