The is devoted to seed crops processing by gradient-magnetic field

МРНТИ 68.37.13                                                                                       ННК 2 (2019г.)


Kozhakhmetov M.К., Ostrovskiy M.V.


Abstract. Article is devoted to seed crops processing efficiency by gradient-magnetic field. The work purpose – to study efficiency of preseeding processing of crops seeds by gradient magnetic field by means of the GRAVITON installation. As result – the simple algorithm of processing of objects of a plant origin (seeds and tubers, plants in a vegetation phase) and an application program package for management systems of the corresponding electromagnetic equipment are given. Results of practical application nano and biophysical to agrotechnology on the example of processing of seeds and plants of different crops in Kazakhstan are stated. It is established that operation of the GRAVITON device for preseeding processing of crops seeds, influences yield stable result and leads to decrease in cancerogenic and mutagen effects of chemical components. And also promotes receiving more “environmentally friendly” safe

Keywords: humic preparations, sensor, gradient magnetic field, electromagnetic filed, sapropel, nanotechnolodgy, programmable crop

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