Algorithm for numerical integration of equations of hydrodynamics with the purpose of forecasting technological parameters of reflected metal melts

МРНТИ 53.01.77                                                                                      №2 (2019г.)

Kazhikenova S.Sh, Mergembayeva A.Zh. 


Abstract. This work presents a mathematical model of the flow of high-temperature melts, taking into account the nature of the short-range order in them, and taking into account the second viscosity coefficient by methods of statistical physics. The purpose of the study: the implementation of methods for the numerical solution of the equations of hydrodynamics involving the correlation functions of viscosity, determined using quantum potentials, the study of the distribution of the velocity profile of the melt flow, obtaining the most simple regularization of the original system of hydrodynamic equations containing physical meaning. The study of the rate of convergence of solutions of the approximating problem to the solutions of the original problem of hydrodynamics made it possible to develop an algorithm for the numerical integration of the equations of hydrodynamics, which makes it possible to predict the technological parameters of the filling of metal melts. The validity and reliability of theoretical studies is confirmed by comparing the results with the flow parameters of the copper melt in the processing equipment of the Southwier-2000 line. Based on numerical experiments, the distribution of the flow rates of the melt in the process equipment is built. Calculations of the optimum temperature of fluidity (viscosity) in the equilibrium system and taking into account the speed of movement of the melt are consistent, being in the interval of optimum 1423-1558 K, close to the temperatures of the real movement of melts in industrial conditions.
Keywords: viscosity, potential, hydrodynamic equations, computer simulation, metal melt.



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