Device for control and measurement of salt-paraffin deposits in oil pipelines

МРНТИ 52.47.01                                                                                           №2 (2019г.)


Nurlybayev R.О., Pomashev O.P.  


Abstract. The article identifies some problems of the pipeline transport together with a brief general overview of the conditions and prospects of development of Kazakhstan oil and gas sector applying to the research topic. The technical device for control and measurement of salt-paraffine depoists parameters in oil pipes is proposed for comprehensive solution of these problems and for producing the device for removal of these and other deposits that clog pipes from internal surfaces of pipes. In the future their practical use will greatly help to solve the studied issues and problems effectively.
Key words: pipeline transport, oil and has sector, oil pipeline, oil pipeline main, problems, pipeline scales, control, analysis, removal, cross section, flow rate, effectiveness, devices.


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