Reserve sources of coal production in industrial heat and power

МРНТИ 52.35.01                                                                            №2 (2019г.)

Maidukov G.L.  


Abstract. The article presents the results of a study of the structure and resource potential of technological coal production flows, establishes the size of operational losses of coal in waste from conducting, repairing and maintaining mining workings, the composition of the mineral component in dumps, and gives recommendations for the possible of associated mining and Donetsk coal mining pool wastes. Recommendations on the organization of the mechanism of economic management of mineral and energy resources of coal deposits are given. For example, rental payments for the spent part of the reserves of the mining allotment should be made for a calendar period of time, systematically as the sale of commercial coal products on the basis of bills of lading and payment documents for each shipment, etc.
Keywords: coal, donbass, ash, density fractions, breed down.



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