Multiеlement functional coatings for enterprises of Kazakhstan

ІRSTІ 61.43.39                                                                                        №4 (2019г.) Yurov V. M., Syzdykova A. sh., Baltabekov A. S., Platonova E. S., Guchenko S. A., laurinas V. C.H.   The limited material resources in industrial production poses the urgent task of creating new technologies that increase the service life of parts of components and mechanisms, especially those working under extreme conditions…

Design features and manufacturing technology of diamond rock-cutting tools with separate system flushing channels

ІRSTІ 52.13.07                                                                                       №4 (2019г.) Mendebaev T.N., Smashov N.Zh.   The problems of diamond drilling in deep wells are the preservation of a given direction, the energy costs growing with depth and obtaining informative geological core material. This is due to the complication of the working conditions, namely the tool on the face, the properties of…

Hydrometallurgical processing of candle ends during recovery roasting of the ores from ushkatyn-3 ore-field

ІRSTІ 52.45.23                                                                                        №4 (2019г.) Isabayev C.M., Zhinova E.V., Zhilina   I.M.   At present there is held extensive research on hydrometallurgical processing of manganese containing raw materials. Problem of manganese extraction from dust and slimes, slags of production of manganese and ferro-manganese in the form of the goods production have become topical. Aim of the work…

The requirements for diagnostic parameters of the working oil automotive diesel engines

ІRSTІ 73.31.41                                                                                        №4 (2019г.) Вiniyazov A.M., Denisov A.S., Kosinskaya A.V. , Sarsenbaeva L.Kh., Вiniyazov E.M.   We propose the compliance analysis of the motor oils main diagnostic parameters, such as alkaline number, viscosity, density, flash point. We established the boundaries of engine malfunction images known in the operation of the dependency and regulations parameters of…

Creation of technology and recipe for wheat bread with addition of enterosorpers food fiber

ІRSTІ                                                                       №4 (2019г.)   Aknazarov S.Kh., Amzeeva U.M., Bekseytova K.S, ,Nuraly А.М., Matushev A.Zh., Zhiyenbaeva S.Т., Bayesbaeva M.P., Moldakulova Z.N. In recent years, the state of public health has been deteriorating in Kazakhstan, which is associated with increasing pollution of the environment, food products with toxic substances, pesticides, radionuclides and also a generally depressed…

Influence of fruit vintage on physical and chemical indexes of cacks

ІRSTІ 65.35.03                                                                                       №4 (2019г.)   Mamayeva L.A., Zhumaliyeva G.E., Muratbekova K.M., Yerbulekova M.T.     The authors have developed the technology of flour confectionery products for functional purposes with the use of fruit from the hips. In this case, the influence of puree from rose hips on the physicochemical parameters of cupcakes was studied. It is…

Development of technology for functional fermented-milk product with the use of enterosorping food fiber

ІRSTІ                                                                       №4 (2019г.) Nuraly А.М., Aknazarov S.H.,Alemardanova M.К., Amzeeva U.М., Azatkyzy S., Bakieva V.М., Shunekeeva А.  The article discusses the development of technologies for the preparation of fermented milk products with the addition of enterosorbing dietary fiber. As raw materials for the production of dairy products, milk is used only with good fat content…

Research of the influence of trans-eterified fats on the rheological properties of the dough

ІRSTІ 64.65.03                                                                                        №4 (2019г.) Muslimov N.Zh., Sakenova B.A., Temirova I.Zh., Aldieva   A.B. Fat products introduced into the dough play an important role in shaping the rheological properties of dough, the nutritional value of bakery products and preserving their freshness. The study has investigated the effect of interesterification fats on the rheological properties of dough. The…

. Technological aspects of the production of clear-free dry mixtures from different types of domestic raw materials

ІRSTІ 65.29.33                                                                                            №4 (2019г.)   Botbaeva J., Koptleuova T., Baikenov A., Baigenzhinov K., Izdibaeva G., Yeleukenova K.   The article presents the technology for producing gluten-free instant cereals from buckwheat, millet, rice and corn flour. Selected cultures were tested for the absence of gluten by a special test system. The melting points of starch of all…

Innovative adaptive agronomic nanotechnology

ІRSTІ 68.29.19                                                                                            №4 (2019г.)   M.K. Kozhakhmetov, R. Abutova   The article is devoted to research of innovative adaptive agronanotechnology in Kazakhstan. Definitions of humic preparations of lake sapropel are given, short theoretical aspects of the mechanism of effect of humic preparation on plants are given. Methods of receiving humin containing products at a high…