Multiеlement functional coatings for enterprises of Kazakhstan

ІRSTІ 61.43.39                                                                                        №4 (2019г.)

Yurov V. M., Syzdykova A. sh., Baltabekov A. S., Platonova E. S., Guchenko S. A., laurinas V. C.H.


The limited material resources in industrial production poses the urgent task of creating new technologies that increase the service life of parts of components and mechanisms, especially those working under extreme conditions of high temperatures and abrasive wear. As early as in the 1980s, it became clear that it was not necessary to follow the path of creating special steels and alloys, but to use the most modern technologies for applying coatings and modifying the surface of parts deploying various energetic treatments. Currently, the most common ones are single-phase coatings based on titanium nitrides and some other metals. At the same time, they began studying multi-element coatings, which have a number of unique properties that can not be obtained by the methods of traditional metallurgy. The study of such coatings and their properties (structural, physicomechanical, thermal, etc.) is an urgent task of practical materials science and real production.
Keywords: multi-element coating, structure, microhardness, friction, surface, plasma, magnetron.

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