The requirements for diagnostic parameters of the working oil automotive diesel engines

ІRSTІ 73.31.41                                                                                        №4 (2019г.)

Вiniyazov A.M., Denisov A.S., Kosinskaya A.V. , Sarsenbaeva L.Kh., Вiniyazov E.M.


We propose the compliance analysis of the motor oils main diagnostic parameters, such as alkaline number, viscosity, density, flash point. We established the boundaries of engine malfunction images known in the operation of the dependency and regulations parameters of the working oil. According to the above data, malfunction images in the coordinates V– C, and then in the coordinates η – C. the Initial data for constructing the images were the limit values of the parameters and the initial ones. For the first diagnostic parameter, the oil volume, the conjugated parameter is an
alkaline number, where all the relevant malfunctions are indicated. At normal for this pair of malfunction diagnostic parameters is determined in a pair of parameters η – tв by the same technique. This is the basis of the diagnosing algorithm. Based on the calculation results of the diagnosis parameters of and standard deviation we received their error. With this in mind, Fig. 6 – 8 dashed lines indicate malfunction images with
a confidence probability of 0.8. The main permissible limits of diagnostic parameters images are indicated.
Keywords: automotive diesel engines, engine oils, base number, viscosity, density, fault images


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