Hydrometallurgical processing of candle ends during recovery roasting of the ores from ushkatyn-3 ore-field

ІRSTІ 52.45.23                                                                                        №4 (2019г.)

Isabayev C.M., Zhinova E.V., Zhilina   I.M.


At present there is held extensive research on hydrometallurgical processing of manganese containing raw materials. Problem of manganese extraction from dust and slimes, slags of production of manganese and ferro-manganese in the form of the goods production have become topical. Aim of the work is to show the possibility of hydrometallurgical processing of cinder during recovery roasting of the ores from Ushkatyn-3 ore-field. A series of experiments on sulphuric acid leaching of cinder was conducted. There was studied the influence of the following parameters: concentration of sulphuric acid, duration of leaching, its temperature, class of fineness of candle ends, correlation S:L. By the results of experiments
there were defined optimal conditions of sulphuric acid leaching of candle ends of cinder during recovery roasting of the ores from Ushkatyn-3 ore-field: concentration of sulphuric acid 60-80 g/dm3, l:s (3:4):1, leaching temperature 80-900C, fineness of initial material (-0,1+0) mm., duration – 80-100 min. Optimal parameters of manganese sediment were determined with help of ammoniac solution: air transmission speed equals 2,5 l/min.; temp. 500C; pH – 7.8-8.2; duration is 80 min.
Key words: cinder ends, manganese sulphate, sulphuric acid leaching, manganese sedimentation.

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