Development of technology for functional fermented-milk product with the use of enterosorping food fiber

ІRSTІ                                                                       №4 (2019г.)

Nuraly А.М., Aknazarov S.H.,Alemardanova M.К., Amzeeva U.М., Azatkyzy S., Bakieva V.М., Shunekeeva А. 

The article discusses the development of technologies for the preparation of fermented milk products with the addition of enterosorbing dietary fiber. As raw materials for the production of dairy products, milk is used only with good fat content and optimal protein content. However, due to seasonal instability, these indicators are not consistent. Therefore, for manufacturers of dairy products, it is important to use various functional food additives to obtain a high-quality final product.
Keywords: food fibers, technology, functional product, dairy products

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