Production of titanium carbonitride in the high-temperature combustion mode

№2-2023 Kydyrali S.Y., Gabdrashova S.E., Tulepov M.I. Abstract: The article considered the chemical characteristics, applications of titanium carbonitride and the advantages of this substance. The main methods of obtaining it, which are used in practice today, are given. The concept of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis, which was discovered in 1967 and is used in the…

Obtaining biochar from rice husk and straw

№2-2023 Appazov N.O., Akylbekov N.I., Narmanova R.A., Akhatayev N.A., Zhapparbergenov R.U., Kanzhar S.A. Abstract: This paper presents the results of research on obtaining biochar from agricultural plant waste such as rice husk and straw. The selection of the optimal conditions for thermolysis, such as the duration and temperature of the process, has been conducted….

New inorganic materials of the multi-functional action based on technogenic raw materials

№2-2023 Kubekova Sh.N., Kapralova V.I., Raimbekova A.S. Abstract: The processing of minerals is associated with the generation of a huge amount of waste, accompanied by problems of depositing it and protecting the environment. The purpose of this study is to investigate the elemental and phase composition of raw ore materials from enrichment wastes of…

Modelling a gas fractionation plant

№2-2023 Nurislamov R.M., Kenzin N.R., Nefedov A.N., Abilmagzhano A.Z. Abstract: Gas fractional separation is one of the most important processes in the modern oil refining industry. Separation units are one of the most energy- and material-consumable technological units of a modern oil refineries and petrochemical plants. This study aims to create model of a…

Solar element coated with multi-crystalline porous silicon

№2-2023 Dikhanbayev K. K., Ikramova S. B., Myrzaly Ye.B., Zhaylybayev I.T., Torakhmet S. Abstract: In this paper, we consider a silicon solar cell (SC) with an antireflection coating made of porous multicrystalline silicon, deposited by electrochemical anodization to the n-layer of the p-n-junction. The minimum of the reflection spectrum of porous μ-Si with an…

Free internet tools for development and promotion of Kazakhstan tourism products Iskakova A.T. Abstract. Since the advent of the Internet, the intermediation world has undergone through dramatic changes. In the past, the tour operators and the traditional travel agencies played a very important role because without them traveling was virtually impossible. The choice of this topic and interest is determined by the moment because we live in a world…

The estimation of the engine power to the type of fuel for example diesel YAMZ-238

МРНТИ 73.31.09, 68.85.81, 68.75.02 Markov V. A., Bebenin E. V., Вiniyazov A. M., Zakharov V. P. Abstract. The transfer of agricultural machinery to work on cheaper alternative fuels-natural gas, methane-will improve the efficiency of agricultural production. Moreover, Kazakhstan occupies a leading place in the world in terms of its reserves. The simplest and most acceptable…

Technology of seeding in soil, an improved closing work of a grain seeder

МРНТИ 68.85.29, 55.57.33 PDF Pavlov I.M., Kubasheva Zh.K., Sarsenov A.E. Abstract. The authors note a significant flaw of two-disc coulters, creating ordinary sowing, and offer a new technology of sowing. Technological schemes of ordinary sowing and grain seeder Sz-3,6 with improved two-disc coulters and the principle of operation are discussed further in the article. The new…

Capillary-keuekti zhyelerdegi zhylu almasudy experimenttik zertteu

PDF Genbach A.A., Dzhamankulova N.O. Abstract: A porous cooling system has been studied, in which the coolant is supplied under the combined action of capillary and gravitational forces. A capillary-porous cooling system is proposed that simulates a caisson, in which heat transfer processes occur by vaporization of liquid in porous structures. The results of experimental studies…

Humidity measurement is based on the optical fiber sensor

PDF Khabay А., Tuleshov Y.A., Shadymanova A.A., Sadykov S.K., Bayturganova V.K. Abstract: Currently, it is necessary to further improve the sensitivity, selectivity, reliability and response time of sensors. An optical fiber based humidity sensor has been investigated with interest because of its advantages such as high sensitivity, fast response, compact size and anti-electromagnetic resistance. Proposed the…