Balance experiments on the purification of waste gases of thermal power plants from SO2 and NOХ by carbonate melt

PDF Dosmukhamedov N.K., Zholdasbay E.E. Abstract: The conceptual scheme of the waste gas treatment technology of the CHP includes the organization of interconnected processes of chemical absorption of SO2 and NOx by the carbonate melt of alkali metals and further regeneration of the carbonate-sulfate melt by natural gas. In previous studies, it was shown that it…

About the issue of cleaning exhaust gases from tpps and metallurgical enterprises from so2: regeneration of carbonate-sulfate melt with natural gas

PDF Dosmukhamedov N.K., Egizekov M.G., Zholdasbai E.E., Kurmanseitov M.B., Argyn A.A. Abstract: General concept is proposed for a technology of purifying waste gases of TPPs and metallurgical enterprises from SO2 and CO2 . The fundamental possibility of carrying out the process of regeneration of carbonate-sulfate melt with natural gas is shown. Based on experimental work it…

Bibliometric analysis of kazakhstan publications using Web of Science analytical services

PDF Kozbagarova G.A., Ponomareva N.I. Abstract: The article analyzes a number of parameters that characterize the publication activity of Kazakhstan in comparison with the leading countries. Particularly, these are the dynamics of the annual number of publications, the rate of change in this number, the dynamics of changes in the share of publications in the world…

Balanced fat bases for functional spreads

PDF Alzhaksina N.Ye., Baigenzhinov K.A., Yessimova Zh.A., Baikenov A.O., Koptleuova T.M., Yeleukenova Abstract. The article deals with the aspects of creating a balanced fat base, taking into account the norms of the physiological needs of a modern person in lipids and their structural components. The analysis of the fatty acid composition of natural oils of various fatty…

Review of assessment methods of lengths in bolts

МРНТИ 20.53.19, 53.01.77                                                                        №2 (2021г.) Kulpeshov B.Sh., Mustafin B.Sh., Mustafin Т.S., Tolgozhinova А.Zh., Mustafin S.А.   This article reviews methods for…

Possibilities of web-sites and service applications modeling

МРНТИ 28.19.23                                                                                        №2 (2021г.) Bakytova Sh.Ye., Kamalova G. A. Each industry has its…

Robotic systems and technical processes of robotic arms.

МРНТИ 28.23.27                                                                                          №2 (2021г.)   Mukhamedyar U. Ye., Kasymova A.Kh. Today, the…

On influence of the pyramidal part of pyramidal-prismatic piles on their power capacity and bearing capability

МРНТИ 67.11.29                                                                                           №2 (2021г.) Bekbasarov I.I., Shamshabaev N.А.   The article presents…

Quality management system in construction

МРНТИ  67.01.77                                                                                          №2 (2021г.) Kadirova A., Turgunova A.   The article describes…

Preventing technological complex for erecting object on saline silty-clayed soils

МРНТИ 67.01.11                                                                                          №2 (2021г.) Unaybaev B.B., Ischanova А.Sh, Unaybaev B.Zh. In the…