Bibliometric analysis of kazakhstan publications using Web of Science analytical services


Kozbagarova G.A., Ponomareva N.I.

Abstract: The article analyzes a number of parameters that characterize the publication activity of Kazakhstan in comparison with the leading countries. Particularly, these are the dynamics of the annual number of publications, the rate of change in this number, the dynamics of changes in the share of publications in the world flow, the distribution of Kazakhstani scientific papers by language of their publications, the place of Kazakhstan in the international ranking in terms of the number of publications and the citation index. The most productive Kazakhstani organizations in terms of publications and their relevance are shown in the context of universities and research institutes; distributed journals with Kazakh publications according to their importance; studied the structure of the areas of Kazakhstani science for the period under study in comparison with the world; a SWOT-analysis of the state of scientific areas of the country was carried out. The analysis
covers the periods 2001–2021, 2019–2021 and is based on Web of Science Core Collection data processing.
Keywords: publication activity, normalized citation average, fields of science, scientific specialization, SWOT analysis significance.

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