Possibilities of web-sites and service applications modeling

МРНТИ 28.19.23                                                                                        №2 (2021г.)

Bakytova Sh.Ye., Kamalova G. A.

Each industry has its own structure, its own development process, and its own novelty. While working on the article, we analyzed two platforms for creating web services and service-oriented applications, web services. The J2EE platform (Java 2 Enterprise Edition) allows to create web services based on Java applications for any architecture and operating systems. Microsoft the NET platform ASP technology allows to create web services using programming languages such as Visual Basic, C++, and C#. During the analysis and comparison of the two platforms we have obtained the features of the approach to modeling service-oriented applications and clearly demonstrated working on specific examples.
Keywords: web applications, service-Oriented Architecture (SOA, Service-Oriented Architecture), XML, SOAP, WSDL , UDDI, service-oriented application.


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