Review of assessment methods of lengths in bolts

МРНТИ 20.53.19, 53.01.77                                                                        №2 (2021г.)

Kulpeshov B.Sh., Mustafin B.Sh., Mustafin Т.S., Tolgozhinova А.Zh., Mustafin S.А.


This article reviews methods for estimating the length of a rectangular strip rolled into a bolt. The problem of estimating the length of a rectangular strip rolled into a bolt has a fairly long background. Today, due to the widespread introduction of computer technology, automated systems dedicated to address this problem, all of these systems are based on well-known approaches that provide solutions one way or another. Despite the advantages of the existing methods, they all have one common drawback – they require a constant update of the data in each new case of the subject with the subsequent involvement of computers. We have proposed a practical method that differs from the existing ones. Its main advantage is the availability, simplicity and ease of application in industrial contexts.
Keywords: roll, tools, area, strip length, double-sided ruler.


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