Institutional innovation in health insurance: a conditional assessment of non-market resources on the example of drug provision


Spankulova L.S.

Abstract: The article discusses the issues of assessing the degree of willingness of the Kazakh population to pay for new drug supply programs. An important result is that proposals for institutional innovations have been developed, which are formed by taking into account the opinions of residents from regions of Kazakhstan. This kind of information is necessary for government bodies to solve social problems and obtain economic and other results under government programs. Research can be continued with regard to the compatibility of the proposed approaches with compulsory social health insurance. With regard to analogues, in the Russian Federation there was an attempt to introduce a similar mechanism and to submit a proposal for a draft law that would introduce this type of insurance into a compulsory system, which is planned to be introduced by 2025.
The Kazakh model of financing the drug insurance program can be designed with an orientation towards the average needs of the population for drug provision.
Key words: drug insurance, conditional valuation method, non-market resources.


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