Features of electrochemical behavior of porous carbon electrodes of metal-air elements in aqueous solutions of alkalis



Madyev M.G., Kunasheva Z.H., Sharipova D.G., Sagidullina A.N.

Abstract: Studies have been conducted to improve the energy efficiency of porous carbon electrodes for metalair (in particular aluminum-air) chemical current sources (CCS) in order to increase their industrial profitability. Experimental analysis and preparation of CCS prototypes were made. The dependences of iron and copper oxides added to porous carbon on the current output and the operating time of the CCS were found. An increase in the water-repellent properties of porous carbon has been identified with the addition of organic binders. Working prototypes of aluminum-air CCS have been developed using the studied porous carbon electrodes. The results of the study are relevant for industrial and household power engineering; the developed electrodes and CCS meet environmental requirements and show high-energy efficiency. The studied CCS and electrodes are not common in industry and their use is currently limited to experimental samples.
Key words: current source; metal-air current source; alkaline electrolyte; porous carbon electrode; aluminumair current source.

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