Robotic systems and technical processes of robotic arms.

МРНТИ 28.23.27                                                                                          №2 (2021г.)


Mukhamedyar U. Ye., Kasymova A.Kh.

Today, the world is actively expanding the fields of scientific research and the possibilities of using modern robots based on the latest achievements of information technology, computer technology, control and measuring systems, informatics and control theories. Robots are widely used in many industries in the healthcare, education and service industries. Currently, a large number of robots have found application in the social sphere. In recent years, the active development of robotics and progress in automated systems has a great impact on the business and personal areas of our lives. Robots with a wide range of functionality are already habitually accompanying humans in many fields of activity. The article contains statistical data on the use of robots for various purposes, while a diagram of the manipulator robots is displayed.
Kеуwоrds: rоbоt, rоbоtісs, mаnіpulаtоr,glоbаl rоbоt, tесhnіquе, prоgrаm.


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