Production of titanium carbonitride in the high-temperature combustion mode


Kydyrali S.Y., Gabdrashova S.E., Tulepov M.I.

Abstract: The article considered the chemical characteristics, applications of titanium carbonitride and the advantages of this substance. The main methods of obtaining it, which are used in practice today, are given. The concept of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis, which was discovered in 1967 and is used in the production of various refractory compounds, is considered. The analysis of the high-temperature process of titanium carbonitride creation is carried out. In the course of writing the work, the recommended combustion temperature and the optimal ratio of TiCl4: C2Cl4 to obtain a homogeneous product were identified. Also, such chemical compounds as urotropine (C6H12N4) and melamine (C3H6N6) and their role in the formation of titanium carbonitride were considered.
Key words: titanium carbonitride, self-propagating high-temperature synthesis, thermodynamic analysis.

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