The estimation of the engine power to the type of fuel for example diesel YAMZ-238

МРНТИ 73.31.09, 68.85.81, 68.75.02

Markov V. A., Bebenin E. V., Вiniyazov A. M., Zakharov V. P.

Abstract. The transfer of agricultural machinery to work on cheaper alternative fuels-natural gas, methane-will improve the efficiency of agricultural production. Moreover, Kazakhstan occupies a leading place in the world in terms of its reserves. The simplest and most acceptable way for agriculture to transfer diesel to work on gaseous fuel is the use of a gas-diesel cycle, since it does not require significant changes in the design of the engine, the serial fuel equipment is preserved and the ability to work on both diesel fuel and its mixture with compressed (CNG) or liquefied natural gas. As a result of mathematical modeling, the power indicators of the experimental YAMZ-238 engine when it is transferred from liquid
(diesel) to gaseous fuel (natural gas) are reduced by 10%, which shows the analysis of the formula for calculating this power, this effect occurs under the influence of the density of the fuel-air mixture entering the cylinder.
Key words: gas diesel, gas supply system to the engine, the ecology of the engine.

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