Features of the modern smart home system

МРНТИ   28.17.31                                                                            №1 (2021г.) PDF Kasymova A. Kh., Sailau A. M. The Any set of smart home electronics…

Recent advances on artificial intelligent techniques for breast cancer diagnosis

МРНТИ 34.57.23, 34.17.53                                                       №1 (2021г.) PDF Mashekova A., Zhao Y., Ng E.Y.K., Zarikas V., Mukhmetov   O.     One of the most common causes of disease-related death among young women in almost…

Analysis of sludge particles carried out by drilling mud

МРНТИ 52.13.23                                                                                №1 (2021г.) PDF Ratov B.T., Beletskiy M.T., Delikesheva D.N.   An imperfect removal of…

Design parameters of flap bit for drilling large diameter wells

МРНТИ 52.13.07                                                                              №1 (2021г.) PDF Ratov B.Т., Fedorov B.V., Ruslykova-Kupriyanova I.А., Kosminov А.S.   From the practice…

Investigation of changes in the activity of the leaching solution over time after treatment with a cavitator

МРНТИ 52.13.19                                                                                           №1 (2021г.) PDF Yussupov Kh.A, Aben E.Kh, Omirgali A.K.,…

To substantiate the design and technological scheme of a heat pump

МРНТИ 55.03.99, 55.36.03                                                            №1 (2021г.) PDF Demesova S.T., Omarov R.A., Omar D.R., Yerzhigitov E.   The heat pump is a technical device that transfers heat energy from…

Modeling and research of oscillatory processes in heavy loaded units of a new longitudinal-wedge mill with two support rolls in all stands

МРНТИ 55.03.03                                                                                           №1 (2021г.) PDF Mashekov S.A., Akparova S.A., Tussupkaliyeva E.A.,…

Calculation of the strength of a milling working member working on a clay solution

МРНТИ 55.03.03                                                                         №1 (2021г.) PDF Kadyrov A. S., Zhunusbekova zh. zh., Ganyukov A. A., Kyzylbaeva E. zh., Suleev B. D….

Significance of economic characteristics of spring wheat

МРНТИ 68.35.29                                                                                         №1 (2021г.) PDF Abduazimov А.М.   Steady growth of the…

Composition and physico-chemical properties of milk of cows of the Holstein and Alatau breed

МРНТИ  68.39.19                                                                            №1 (2021г.) PDF Khasteva A. J., Muslimov N. W., Alexina N. E.   In a market…