Features of microorganisms of zoned varieties from sugar beet seed

МРНТИ 68.37.31 https://doi.org/10.53939/15605655/2020_1_115 Velyamov M.T, Potoroko I.YU., Kurasova L.A., Velyamov SH.M., Bek R, Sadykova N. A. Abstract. Quantitative accounting of microorganisms was carried out by seeding on nutrient media selected in accordance with their type. Thus, we have explored some features of development of pathogenic complex of microscopic fungi in soils of beet-growing farms in Almaty…

The use of information and educational resources in the educational process

PDF https://doi.org/10.53939/15605655/2022_1_11 Turebaeva G.B., Tenchurina A. R, Doroshakova Zh.B ABSTRACT. Currently, the training of specialists in credit technology, according to which students are taught at the University, determines the relevance of developing new conceptual foundations in the organization of educational and methodological work and the introduction of modern, information and communication technologies in the educational process….

Modern trends in the production of new fat products

МРНТИ 65.65.33 PDF https://doi.org/10.53939/15605655/2020_1_72 Djuraeva N.R, Isabaev I.B., Atamuratova T.I. Abstract. The current trends in the production of new types of fat products, set the most promising of them have been generalized, systematized and analyzed. The authors have rationalized the effectiveness areas to create composite mixtures of fats and by-products of conventional and unconventional untrimmed raw…

Study of diffusion areas of investigation of combustion of a briquette with air channels

PDF https://doi.org/10.53939/15605655/2022_1_28 Artykbayeva A.B., Zhapekova A.O., Rakhimova B.U.,. Tulupov M.I, Kudiyarova Zh.B., Amir Zh. Abstract: The main reasons for production of coal briquettes with air channels are based on changing the diffusion flows of the oxidizer and increasing the number of volatile. The yield of volatile substances, in turn, depends on the amount of water, which,…

Creation of a waste-free, high-energy technology for obtaining target materials due to the heat of exothermic reactions of reacting substances by the SHS method

PDF https://doi.org/10.53939/15605655/2022_1_20 Aknazarov S.Kh.,.Mutushev A.Zh, JuanMariaGonzalez-Leal, Bayrakova O.S., Ponomareva E.A., Allan I.K., Kydyrali S.E. Abstract: To determine the burning rate of the charge for the production of aluminum diboride, a steel pipe with a welded bottom in the form of a glass was used. Holes were drilled vertically on the side surface at a distance of…

Features of electrochemical behavior of porous carbon electrodes of metal-air elements in aqueous solutions of alkalis

PDF https://doi.org/10.53939/15605655/2022_1_15 Madyev M.G., Kunasheva Z.H., Sharipova D.G., Sagidullina A.N. Abstract: Studies have been conducted to improve the energy efficiency of porous carbon electrodes for metalair (in particular aluminum-air) chemical current sources (CCS) in order to increase their industrial profitability. Experimental analysis and preparation of CCS prototypes were made. The dependences of iron and copper…

Institutional innovation in health insurance: a conditional assessment of non-market resources on the example of drug provision

PDF https://doi.org/10.53939/15605655/2022_1_6 Spankulova L.S. Abstract: The article discusses the issues of assessing the degree of willingness of the Kazakh population to pay for new drug supply programs. An important result is that proposals for institutional innovations have been developed, which are formed by taking into account the opinions of residents from regions of Kazakhstan. This kind…

The main aspects of enterprise business process simulation using petri nets and agent modeling

МРНТИ 28.17.31                                                                 №1 (2021г.) PDF Israilova S., Mukhanova A., Ismailova   A.   This article discusses simulation using Petri networks and multi-agent modeling of business processes….

Modern speech recognition methods

МРНТИ 28.23.37                                                                  №1 (2021г.) PDF   Mamyrbayev O., Oralbekova D.   This article presents the main ideas, advantages and disadvantages of models based on…

Calculation of damage risks by the method of expert evaluation for the protection of enterprise information resources

МРНТИ 28.17.31                                                                                         №1 (2021г.) PDF Amirbay A.A., Mukhanova  A.A.   The article…