Analysis of sludge particles carried out by drilling mud

МРНТИ 52.13.23                                                                                №1 (2021г.)


Ratov B.T., Beletskiy M.T., Delikesheva D.N.


An imperfect removal of drilled cuttings out of the drill bore brings about down-the-hole problems and often – heavy break downs, hard to cope with. The output of the drilling pump is calculated, based on analysis of drilled cuttings, which differ with their size and density of their material. The paper on the analysis of drilled cuttings distributions describe application of some special designs, which have complicated structures and working principles, which in turn makes their wide use at the rig sites hardly possible. The below stated method is based on measurements of the drilling fluid’s ascending flow density. The drilling is suspended and the hole flushed until achieving the balance of the in and out flows densities. After that, drilling is resumed and, at set intervals, the density is measured, which increases each time due to the infux of particles which are more difficult to carry out from the flow. The article has an example of implementing the method of drilling on uranium ore.
Keywords: drilling wells, cuttings evacuation, flushing regime, cuttings analysis, ascending flow density measurements.


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