Design parameters of flap bit for drilling large diameter wells

МРНТИ 52.13.07                                                                              №1 (2021г.)


Ratov B.Т., Fedorov B.V., Ruslykova-Kupriyanova I.А., Kosminov А.S.


From the practice of drilling wells with paddle bits, it is known that when drilling rocks alternating in hardness, the tool hangs quite often. This phenomenon consists in the fact that the rotating tool stops deepening for a while, then drilling resumes until the next “freeze”, etc. Based on the theory of rotary drilling by prof. Vladislavlev V.S. the real distribution of the axial load on the cutters installed on the radial blades of the bit was established. Despite a sharp increase in the load on the cutters installed in the near-axis region of the bit rotation, the mentioned complication is often observed when driving hard rock layers. To eliminate this complication, Smith bits proposed to install a cone made of super-hard material in the center of the end part of the bit and remove part of the blades with cutters from this area. To eliminate the “freezing” of the tool when drilling any rocks, a technical solution has been proposed and patented, which consists in installing a small diameter annular pilot in the central end part of the bit, the end of which is equipped with PDC cutters. In the process of drilling, a core is drilled in the central part of the bottom hole, and the higher its height, the less it is associated with the massif and is easily destroyed by the core breaker, and the products of destruction are carried away by the flow of drilling fluid.
Keywords: Paddle bit “hanging”, hard rocks, ring pilot, small diameter, core breakdown, increasing drilling productivity.


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