Investigation of changes in the activity of the leaching solution over time after treatment with a cavitator

МРНТИ 52.13.19                                                                                           №1 (2021г.)


Yussupov Kh.A, Aben E.Kh, Omirgali A.K., Khairullayev N.


Despite all the advantages, underground borehole leaching has a number of disadvantages, one of which is a significant period of block development
due to the low content of uranium in the productive solution. There are various methods that reduce the leaching time and increase the average content of uranium in solutions. However, the practical implementation of these methods requires huge material and labor investments. To increase the extraction of useful components, reduce the time for leaching and the consumption of reagents, a technology based on the cavitation effect to activate the solution is proposed. Activation of the leaching solution increases the content of uranium in the productive solution, and reduces the block’s working time. However, there is no research to determine the time of preservation of the solution activity. Therefore, herein, based on laboratory studies, dependences of changes in the activity of the leaching solution in time after treatment with a cavitator were obtained.
Keywords: activation, useful component, underground leaching, uranium, cavitation, solution.


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