To substantiate the design and technological scheme of a heat pump

МРНТИ 55.03.99, 55.36.03                                                            №1 (2021г.)


Demesova S.T., Omarov R.A., Omar D.R., Yerzhigitov E.


The heat pump is a technical device that transfers heat energy from a source to a consumer. Unlike a spontaneous heat transfer, which always occurs
from a hot body to a cold one, the heat pump transfers heat in the opposite direction. The most common design of the heat pump consists of the compressor, the thermal expansion valve, the evaporator, and the condenser. For efficient and economical operation of the heat pump, the design and technological layout is important. The article substantiates a new approach to the layout of the main components relative to each other and to the design of the evaporator and condenser. The adopted technical solutions will provide self-regulating cooling of the compressor, reduce heat waste, reduce the size and material consumption of the heat pump.
Keywords: heat pump, compressor, evaporator, condenser, conversion factor, low-potential heat source, energy saving, energy efficiency, renewable energy.


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