Calculation of the strength of a milling working member working on a clay solution

МРНТИ 55.03.03                                                                         №1 (2021г.)


Kadyrov A. S., Zhunusbekova zh. zh., Ganyukov A. A., Kyzylbaeva E. zh., Suleev B. D.


Out of the great numbers of construction works that have been performed in the Republic of Kazakhstan, a significant part is associated with the development of buried and underground structures. The experience of recent years has shown that in order to reduce the construction time and cost of such structures, the “wall in the ground” method is widely used. This article is devoted to the issues of strength calculation of cylindrical cutters of earthmoving machines working under pressure of clay solution. The dependences of the stresses arising in the mill taking into account the inertial loads and the pressure of the clay solution are obtained. The method of strength calculation at the mill manufacturing stage is developed. The results obtained are used in the design of the machines.
Keywords: earthmoving machines, cylindrical cutters, wall in the ground, underground structures.


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