Research of the chemical composition of oilseed flax straw for production of cellulose

МРНТИ 61.01.77, 66.45.31                                                                         №2 (2020г.)   Shaimerdenov Zh.N., Dalabayev A.B., Temirova I.Zh., Aldiyeva A.B., Sakenova B.A., Zhunnusova K.Z., Iztayev   A.   This article examines the structure of oilseed flax straw. As part of the study, the chemical composition of oilseed flax straw have been examined. The results of the study indicate the possibility of obtaining…

Supercritical CO2 glycyrrhizic acid extraction from licorice root: optimization of extraction conditions using RSM (response surface metodology)

ІRSTІ 61.39.81, 64.29.23                                                                       №4 (2019г.) Dzhuraev H. F. Gafurov, K. H., Muhammad, B. T., Sh. Mirzaev U.     Extraction of GA from licorice roots was carried out by SK-CO2 using ethanol as a solvent. Experiments and simulations were designated through RSM. The licorice root extract was analyzed by chromatography and AAS. The RSM design was…

Nanocellulose: characteristics, modification and biocompatibility

ІRSTІ 61.39.81                                                                                        №4 (2019г.) Rakhimova B. U., Kudaibergenov K. K., Aknazarov S. H., Mansurov Z. A., Savitskaya I. S., Golovchenko O. Yu., Smagulova G. T.   Nanocellulose attracted a great attention of scientists due to its remarkable biophysical properties and applications in Biomedicine. The article provides an overview of the properties and application of four…

Multiеlement functional coatings for enterprises of Kazakhstan

ІRSTІ 61.43.39                                                                                        №4 (2019г.) Yurov V. M., Syzdykova A. sh., Baltabekov A. S., Platonova E. S., Guchenko S. A., laurinas V. C.H.   The limited material resources in industrial production poses the urgent task of creating new technologies that increase the service life of parts of components and mechanisms, especially those working under extreme conditions…

Method for producing siliconorganic compounds

ІRSTІ 61.37.37                                                                                        №3 (2019Г.) Akhmedov V.N., Niyazov L.N., Raximov F.F., Panoyev N.Sh.   In this paper, the results of the synthesis of vinyl ethynyltriethoxysilane monomer are simulated on the basis of available industrial products of tetraethoxysilane and vinyl ethynyl magnesium bromide. The main physical properties of IR and UV spectroscopy have been determined, and a…

Carbonized carbon porous sorbent with bactericidal healing property

ІRSTІ 31.27.51, 61.45.36                                                                      №3 (2019г.) Аmzeeva U.M., Aknazarov S.Kh., Golovchenko O.Yu., Bekseitova K.S., Nuraly A.M. In the last decade, great prospects have been associated with the use of various kinds of medical sorbents in the treatment of purulent wounds. The the local application of which sorbents led to the development of a whole direction known…

Decorative coverings for souvenirs of Kazakhstan

ІRSTІ 61.39.81                                                                                          №3 (2019г.) Yurov V.M., Baltabekov A.S., Guchenko S.A., Laurinas V.Ch., Kasymov S.S. The purpose of this message is to review the technology of replication of national souvenirs and prepare them for mass production. Members of the team, namely, members of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as their…

The sol-gel fixation method in obtaining of hydrophobical coatings

МРНТИ 61.39.81, 64.29.23                                                                              №2 (2019г.) Tashmukhamedov F.R., Shardarbek M.Sh.     Abstract. In this paper, a method of obtaining hydrophobic colored coatings on cotton fabric using colloidal Sol-gel fixation technique is described. The aim of this work is studying of properties of cotton fabric with hydrophobic colored silica coating and researching of dependency of…

Development of cellulose textile materials with fire-protective properties with application of tetro-ethoxysilane and nitrogen-phosphora-containing compounds

№3 (2018) Takey Ye., Taussarova B.R.   Article The aim of the study is to obtain a cellulosic materials with flame-retardant properties using the sol gel method. In the article expounded research on application of tetroetoksisilan, nitrogen-phosphorus-containing compounds for flame-retardant properties cellulose textile materials. Influence of concentrations of initial components is investigational, temperature and time…

Модификация природных диоксиантрахинонов кислотами

Омарова А.С., Музычкина Р.А., Корулькин   Д.Ю. 

Аннотация. Так как оксипроизводные антрахинонов являются активным началом многих промышленно значимых красителей, индикаторов, рострегуляторов, гербицидов и лекарственных препаратов,  получение их производных представляет научный и практический  интерес. В работе рассмотрены направления модификации природных диоксиантрахинонов путем взаимодействия их с кислотами, а именно с серной, азотной и фосфорной по двум направлениям – электрофильное замещение и этерификация гидроксигрупп. В большей степени описано получение только β-сернокислого эфира ализарина, эфиры на основе фосфорной и азотной кислот не исследованы. Рассмотрены условия сульфирования, нитрования и фосфорилирования диоксиантрахинонов различными агентами и биологическая активность продуктов реакций. Установлено, что модификация структур природных диоксиантрахинонов кислотами является научно-обоснованным подходом  при разработке новых эффективных препаратов, биологически доступных для организма, которые обладают широким спектром активностей.
Ключевые слова: диоксиантрахиноны, сульфирование, нитрование, фосфорилирование, ализарин, хинизарин, хризофанол, фисцион, производные антрахинонов