Carbonized carbon porous sorbent with bactericidal healing property

ІRSTІ 31.27.51, 61.45.36                                                                      №3 (2019г.)

Аmzeeva U.M., Aknazarov S.Kh., Golovchenko O.Yu., Bekseitova K.S., Nuraly A.M.

In the last decade, great prospects have been associated with the use of various kinds of medical sorbents in the treatment of purulent wounds.
The the local application of which sorbents led to the development of a whole direction known as sorption-application therapy. Here, sorbents are taken into account, which have an active effect on the wound, either due to selective sorption of microflora, or by providing an active outflow of the wound discharge. These  specific sorbents include a number of polymeric and inorganic materials, including carbon materials of various structures and shapes. At present, the nanostructured carbon material is used as the main component of the wound adsorbing bandage. The article outlines the results of sorption capacity and adhesive properties of carbon dressings.
Keywords: bandage materials, carbonized rice husk, the ability of the adhesive, carbon bandage materials.

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