Decorative coverings for souvenirs of Kazakhstan

ІRSTІ 61.39.81                                                                                          №3 (2019г.)

Yurov V.M., Baltabekov A.S., Guchenko S.A., Laurinas V.Ch., Kasymov S.S.

The purpose of this message is to review the technology of replication of national souvenirs and prepare them for mass production. Members of the team, namely, members of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as their students, make national-styled art-decorated products out of clay or other products. The next step is a 3-D scanning of souvenir layouts using a scanner and then replicating them. The next step is decorative CVD coating. The magnetron sputtering technology (CVD-coatings) allows applying non-porous coatings of arbitrary thickness, purposefully and widely changing their chemical composition, structure and main service properties: hardness, wear resistance, heat resistance,
fatigue strength, etc. 3-D technology replication of nationally designed products; vacuum ion-plasma technology for applying decorative coatings for souvenirs; pilot production site for serial production of souvenirs.
Keywords: souvenir, decor, coating, magnetron, series.

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