Humidity measurement is based on the optical fiber sensor

PDF Khabay А., Tuleshov Y.A., Shadymanova A.A., Sadykov S.K., Bayturganova V.K. Abstract: Currently, it is necessary to further improve the sensitivity, selectivity, reliability and response time of sensors. An optical fiber based humidity sensor has been investigated with interest because of its advantages such as high sensitivity, fast response, compact size and anti-electromagnetic resistance. Proposed the…

Bibliometric analysis of kazakhstan publications using Web of Science analytical services

PDF Kozbagarova G.A., Ponomareva N.I. Abstract: The article analyzes a number of parameters that characterize the publication activity of Kazakhstan in comparison with the leading countries. Particularly, these are the dynamics of the annual number of publications, the rate of change in this number, the dynamics of changes in the share of publications in the world…

The use of information and educational resources in the educational process

PDF Turebaeva G.B., Tenchurina A. R, Doroshakova Zh.B ABSTRACT. Currently, the training of specialists in credit technology, according to which students are taught at the University, determines the relevance of developing new conceptual foundations in the organization of educational and methodological work and the introduction of modern, information and communication technologies in the educational process….

Review of assessment methods of lengths in bolts

МРНТИ 20.53.19, 53.01.77                                                                        №2 (2021г.) Kulpeshov B.Sh., Mustafin B.Sh., Mustafin Т.S., Tolgozhinova А.Zh., Mustafin S.А.   This article reviews methods for…

Possibilities of web-sites and service applications modeling

МРНТИ 28.19.23                                                                                        №2 (2021г.) Bakytova Sh.Ye., Kamalova G. A. Each industry has its…

Robotic systems and technical processes of robotic arms.

МРНТИ 28.23.27                                                                                          №2 (2021г.)   Mukhamedyar U. Ye., Kasymova A.Kh. Today, the…

The main aspects of enterprise business process simulation using petri nets and agent modeling

МРНТИ 28.17.31                                                                 №1 (2021г.) PDF Israilova S., Mukhanova A., Ismailova   A.   This article discusses simulation using Petri networks and multi-agent modeling of business processes….

Modern speech recognition methods

МРНТИ 28.23.37                                                                  №1 (2021г.) PDF   Mamyrbayev O., Oralbekova D.   This article presents the main ideas, advantages and disadvantages of models based on…

Calculation of damage risks by the method of expert evaluation for the protection of enterprise information resources

МРНТИ 28.17.31                                                                                         №1 (2021г.) PDF Amirbay A.A., Mukhanova  A.A.   The article…

Features of the modern smart home system

МРНТИ   28.17.31                                                                            №1 (2021г.) PDF Kasymova A. Kh., Sailau A. M. The Any set of smart home electronics…