Marat Bitimbaev, Mirgali Kunayev, Khali Yusupov, Zhanat Alisheva

Annotation. Ore – natural deposition of chemical elements in the native or mineral-forming form, caused by the action of geological processes and their accompanying geochemical regularities, in which the concentration of some chemical elements reaches a value sufficient for cost-effective extraction in a given period. The production process itself, which ensures profitable extraction, begins after geological exploration from
the stage of design and subsequent extraction, enrichment and metallurgical processing. Science has proved and statistics have confirmed the expected complete depletion of reserves in the continental earth crust to a depth of 5 km within 30-150 years depending on the type of metal.
Scientifically substantiated and practically possible technological solutions, which have no analogues in the world, are proposed for the creation of historically inexhaustible deposits of a new type of natural and technogenic origin based on the use of combined processes of geotechnology and minerallurgy, a full current cycle of subsoil development and a circular economy.
Key words: ore formation, geochemical regularities, geotechnologies, minerallurgy, subsoil development, circular economy.

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