
Mendebaev T.N.

Abstract. The initial prerequisites for the effective development of geothermal deposits have been developed. Geological – reliable information about the geological structure of thermal water deposits, compositions, physical and mechanical properties of rocks in the “water-rock” system.
Technical – means of well construction, design features and technological capabilities corresponding to the conditions of the mining environment, ensuring the production of highly informative geological material in the form of a core, maintaining the stability of the walls of wells from collapse and shedding. A series of diamond drill bits with a hydrojet effect of rock destruction, corresponding to the conditions of opening hot springs, have been developed and tested in practice for drilling wells. A scheme of a circulation system for the opening and development of geothermal deposits consisting of a vertically injection and an obliquely ascending well connected by a smooth bend of an intermediate shaft is proposed. The ideological novelty of the scheme, which differs from all known schemes for the development of
geothermal deposits in the world, provides for the possibility of creating conditions for the manifestation of the internal energy of the earth’s interior and the thermal horizon, aimed at improving the efficiency of the development of geothermal deposits. The structural features of the scheme are that a vertical injection well lined with a filter column in the section of the thermal horizon is made with ledges, where shock waves of increased and decreased pressure are generated when water is supplied, by dividing the water flow into a central core and lateral components.
As a result, the thermal horizon is affected by alternating hydraulic impulses, an increase in rock permeability and an acceleration of water inflow into the well. At the same time, by linking the borehole system with an intermediate trunk, and laying an ascending well with an obliquely cased filter column, the volume coverage of the thermal horizon is provided, increasing the uninterrupted operation period, where the circulation channel from the lower ledge to the entrance to the tank with smoothly bending joints is made with one diameter. This eliminates local pressure losses. By grinding the wall of the intermediate shaft with rock hardening, water leaks and pressure losses along the length of the circulation channel are eliminated. The significance of the circulation scheme – the extraction of hot water is carried out by forced self-discharge, without attracting energy from outside.
Keywords: geothermal, circuit, circulation, well, pulses, energy.

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