Quality control and testing of thermo-friction tools surfaced with wear-resistant deposit welding materials

МРНТИ 55.19.13                                                                              №3 (2020г.)


Sherov K.T., Tussupova S.O., Rakishev A.K., Mussaev M.M., Donenbaev B.S., Sherov A.K., Kurmangaliev T.B., Sarymbay  A.K.


The authors have developed methods for thermofriction processing of various surfaces. This article presents the results of the study for increasing the wear resistance of thermofriction tools by coating them with wear-resistant surfacing materials. The author conducted a research and quality control of deposited surfaces by the magnetic particle method of non-destructive testing. Manufactured thermofriction tools with surfacing made of STOODY M7-G material have also been tested in the processing of various materials. The results of experimental studies showed that the wear resistance of thermofriction tools with coating made of STOODY M7-G in comparison with traditional thermofriction tools increases by 1.5÷2 times.
Keywords: Thermofriction treatment, surfacing, surfacing material, wear resistance, friction mill, circular saw.




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