Autogenous production schemes quality estimate on metallurgical companies of Kazakhstan

МРНТИ 53.37                                                                                    №3 (2020г.)

Kazhikenova S.Sh.,  Shaltakov S.N.


We have compiled mathematical models of technological schemes for copper production at metallurgical enterprises of Kazakhstan. We worked out new calculation formulas for estimating the technological redivision and completeness of each process and the scheme as a whole Ideal mathematical model of complex systems’ hierarchical structure has been developed. A high correlation is established between the ideal hierarchical structure of complex systems and the structure of technological schemes for real metallurgical copper productions on Kazakh companies Zhezkazgantsvetmet, Balkhashtsvetmet, Kazzink, KAZ Minerals Bozshakol. As experience in metallurgical production development shows, technology for processing copper, nickel and some lead-zinc ores is being improved by autogenous processes. This fact is confirmed by calculations presented in this
paper, obtained on Shannon’s informational entropy basis. Thus, the theoretical substantiation problem and practical application of unified information laws for comparative assessment of competing technological schemes and improvement of existing metallurgical industries, ensuring the achievement of the goal in the most technological way, is solved.
Keywords: entropy, information , information laws, technological schemes, copper, autogenous processes.


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