Quality control and testing of thermo-friction tools surfaced with wear-resistant deposit welding materials

МРНТИ 55.19.13                                                                              №3 (2020г.)   Sherov K.T., Tussupova S.O., Rakishev A.K., Mussaev M.M., Donenbaev B.S., Sherov A.K., Kurmangaliev T.B., Sarymbay  A.K.   The authors have developed methods for thermofriction processing of various surfaces. This article presents the results of the study for increasing the wear resistance of thermofriction tools by coating them with wear-resistant surfacing…

Ensuring safe operation when operating load-lifting machines in construction production

МРНТИ 55.01.93, 67.01.93. 86.23                                                       №3 (2020г.)   Sutemgen Zh.T., Bergeneva N.S.,  Qaldybayeva S.T., Isanbekova А.Т.   The article is sets forth the issues of ensuring labor safety during the operation of load-lifting mechanisms in production and also improving working conditions. The causes of accidents in the construction industry are analyzed. To ensure safe work and…

Review of separation barriers with energy absorbing properties

МРНТИ 73.31.13                                                                                 №3 (2020г.) Absametov D.M.   The article provides an overview of separation barriers and new designs of safety barriers for emergency dead ends and dividing strips of roads. Currently existing barriers on the roads of the country do not have sufficient energy absorption capacity, which leads to serious consequences when they are hit…

The theory and methods of calculation of new designs of braking rails and safety barriers

МРНТИ 73.01.93                                                                                  №3 (2020г.) Absametov D.M., Rabat O. J., Bainetov J. B.   The article presents the theory and methods to calculate of new design of braking and guiding safety barriers. The article considers installation of special devices on road in mountainous areas at descents and turns for slowing down and stopping vehicles in case…

Justification of the feasibility of modernizing railway automation and telemechanics systems

МРНТИ 73.29.17                                                                                 №3 (2020г.) Bahtiyarova Е.А., Sansysbay К.М., Chigambayev Т.О.     The article analyzes the state of railway automation and telemechanic (RAT) systems, determines the throughput for single-track and double-track spans, and the local speed for semi-automatic and automatic blocking and centralized dispatch. The transition to a microprocessor-based elemental base is proposed when upgrading the…

Innovative technology for the unloading of massive bulk cargo

МРНТИ 55.41.39, 73.31.41                                                                       №2 (2020г.) Lee S.V., Rabat O.J., Saginbaeva N.D., Salmanov A N. The article considers a new technology for unloading bulk materials using removable containers transported on platforms. The use of new innovative technology and means of unloading bulk cargo will increase labor productivity by combining operations of transportation, unloading and sequential cleaning…

Ecological and economic research of tractor K-700A, working on the gas-diesel cycle

МРНТИ 55.57.01, 68.85.81                                                                   №2 (2020г.)   Markov V.A., Bebenin E.V., Вiniyazov A.M., Zakharov V.P.   Fuel costs for agricultural machinery reach 50% of the cost of agricultural products. In this regard, the transfer of agricultural machinery to work on cheaper alternative fuels – natural gas, methane – will improve the efficiency of agricultural production. The…

Modern tendency of development of design of dump plows

МРНТИ 55.57.09, 68.85.37                                                                 №2 (2020г.) Nuralin B.N., Oleynikov S.V., Galiyev М.S.   Recently, versatile cultivating tractors have become increasingly popular, which are most rationally used during the preparation of the soil for sowing, during sowing, tillage tillage in small areas, as transport vehicles and to drive various mobile and stationary machines. Increasing the efficiency of…

New working body of the loader with cycloidal movement

МРНТИ 55.51.37, 73.41.39                                                                   №2 (2020г.)   Rabat О.Zh., Lee S.V., Salmanova А.N., Saydinbayeva N.D., Musyen К.S.   The article provides a new (innovative) design of the working body of the loader developed by the authors. The constructive solution to the working body of the machine the use of cycloidal curves properties and cycloidal bodies properties…

To the issue of safe operation of jip cranes

МРНТИ 55.51.31, 73.41.39                                                                         №2 (2020г.) Shamey E., Smirnov V.M., Ishchenko A.P.   The article is an analysis of information from open sources on accidents of self-propelled boom cranes, as a result of which the relationship between the rollover and the deviation of the cargo ropes from the vertical was revealed. A review of modern…