New working body of the loader with cycloidal movement

МРНТИ 55.51.37, 73.41.39                                                                   №2 (2020г.)


Rabat О.Zh., Lee S.V., Salmanova А.N., Saydinbayeva N.D., Musyen К.S.


The article provides a new (innovative) design of the working body of the loader developed by the authors. The constructive solution to the working
body of the machine the use of cycloidal curves properties and cycloidal bodies properties with constant width, performing complex cycloidal motion. The use of mutually flexible satellite curves in a working body that performs cycloidal motion provides rational geometric shapes of the working body with the minimum possible specific energy consumption by the working process and expand the technological capabilities of the machine.
Key words: loader, inertial unloading, mutually flexible curves, planetary mechanism, central gear wheel, satellite, rotor.


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